Thursday, March 01, 2007

Defense of Marriage: A Moral and Societal Imperative – Part 1

From a scientific and sociological perspective, the morality, legality and imperative for a defense of marriage act hinges on the two following questions. First, is gay marriage a minority rights issue like inter-racial marriage? Secondly, will any harm result if the legal definition of marriage is changed?

The inter-racial marriage debate differed from today’s gay marriage debate in two ways. First, it concerned the union of one man and one woman. Secondly, it was a clear case of unjust discrimination because it was based on an innate and immutable trait – skin color. This is not so with same sex attraction.

In 1995 the pre-eminent openly homosexual gay gene researcher, Dr. Dean Hammer, made a startling admission - “[we] know from twin studies that 50% or more of the variation in sexual orientation is not inherited.” A study by Kendall and associates in 2002 suggests that 70% or more is not inherited.

This means that there is no gay gene or set of genes. Skin color, in contrast, is 100% determined by skin color genes. Homosexuality is not genetic like skin color. Homosexuality is not innate.

Yet, same sex attraction is not a conscious choice either. According to the American Psychiatric Association, sexual attractions develop across a person’s lifetime due to a combination of familial, social, societal and biological factors. In other words, SSA arises from a developmental process that is only partly influenced by biology.

While people do not choose their same sex attraction, they can choose whether to act on, suppress or attempt altering those attractions. True lasting change of sexual orientation is possible. This has been documented by gay affirmative researchers in the peer reviewed psychiatric literature, most recently by Dr. Robert Spitzer.

Members of the Council for Responsible Genetics, Queer by Choice, and radical lesbian feminist Camille Paglia are examples of true to science gay activists. Even the president of Parents Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFFLAG) and the American Psychological Association recently affirmed the position of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality that re-orientation therapy may be beneficial for those who desire it.

Sexual orientation, unlike skin color, develops as a result of various familial and social factors perhaps in only biologically predisposed individuals. Biological predisposition, however, is not destiny. Sexual orientation, unlike a person’s genetically determined skin color, is changeable.

Still, if some with SSA cannot or do not desire to change, shouldn’t we allow same sex marriage out of democratic fairness? Not if that form of marriage is “harmful to the fabric of society” – a question to be explored in our next column.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Same Sex Attraction: No Contradiction in Church Teaching

Many believe that same-sex attraction is an inborn behavioral trait. Therefore, they regard homosexual behavior no more or less moral than heterosexual behavior. Twelve years ago I was one of them.

In the early 1990s, twin studies allegedly proved a genetic basis for homosexuality. Dr. Simon LeVay discovered brain differences between gay and straight men; Dr. Dean Hammer found a gene linkage site, and numerous hormone-based disorders of sexual development were identified. When I graduated from medical school I “knew” that gays were “born that way.” The Catholic Church was wrong. Ten years and one ex-lesbian acquaintance later, I reconsidered.

As I began to read the literature for myself it became abundantly clear that same-sex attraction (SSA) is neither innate nor immutable. Gay activists have leveraged these misconceptions to fight truly unjust discrimination against their community. However, no lasting good can come of lies. Harassment is still prevalent, and the gay community has turned against its own. Ex-gays and practitioners of re-orientation therapy are vilified. This is not surprising since ex-gay testimonies expose the innate, immutable lie which has become the cornerstone of the gay rights movement.

The studies of Drs. Hammer and LeVay have been discredited, hormone-based sexual disorders are imperfect models of homosexuality, and twin studies actually support both environmental and genetic influence. Thus, the gay affirmative American Psychiatric Association states that no specific biological cause has been isolated, and that sexual orientation is due to a complex interaction between biological and environmental factors.

Every trait is influenced by genes, but only some are determined by them. “Genetically determined” is destiny, “genetically influenced” is not. Identical twins have exactly the same DNA and share genetically determined traits 100% of the time. Eye color is a genetically determined trait, so identical twins always have the same eye color. Homosexual attraction, however, is shared only 30% of the time. This proves that there is no gay gene and that at least 70% of the variation in sexual orientation is not inherited.

Since the incidence of SSA among twins is greater than that of the general population, there probably is some genetic influence in the form of inherited predisposing traits. Only in a particular environment will these lead to SSA.

Sexual attractions develop over time and heterosexual attraction is the biological norm. Same-sex attraction is also associated with serious health risks. For these reasons, SSA is a developmental disorder.

In his Theology of the Body Pope John Paul II explains the spiritual meaning of the marital embrace which is to be unitive and procreative. These divine purposes are impossible for two members of the same sex to accomplish. Consequently, the Church teaches that “’Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ …[and]Under no circumstances can they be approved,”(Catechism, #2357).

Science has revealed some of the roads into and out of SSA. Consequently, some who are strongly motivated may experience true and lasting change. This was the conclusion of Dr. Robert Spitzer following his study of ex-gays in 2003. In 1973 he was instrumental in normalizing homosexuality having believed sexual orientation to be immutable. Today he remains a gay rights activist, but also defends the right to therapy.

A person’s dignity lies in their very humanity. We are made in the image and likeness of God. Our dignity is not diminished by the presence of a disorder. Therefore, mistreatment of those with SSA is gravely sinful.

There is no contradiction in Church teaching. She speaks the truth in love: There is hope for those who struggle with SSA; change and/or chastity is attainable. There is hope for an end to violence and unjust discrimination against those who remain attracted to the same sex. Because we are all equal in human dignity.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Witness Story:

A young Christian man shares his personal experience out of homosexuality while validating the dignity of those with same sex attraction.
By: Dale O’Leary

Is it possible for therapy to produce a change in sexual orientation? Is such therapy ethical? C.A. Tripp in a 1971 debate with Lawrence Hatterer insisted that "there is not a single recorded instance of a change in homosexual orientation which has been validated by outside judges or testing." Tripp claimed to have treated patients supposed cured by other therapists, who came to him because they do not want to disappoint their previous therapists. Tripp's statement has been widely quoted, but the full text of the debate reveals Tripp was offered clinical evidence of change by Hatterer. Hatterer's book published in 1970 contains extensive case material drawn from tape recorded sessions and follow-up information. Dr.Warren Throckmorton, who has reviewed the literature, sums up the evidence:"Narrowly, the question to be addressed is: Do conversion therapy techniques work to change unwanted sexual arousal? I submit that the case against conversion therapy requires opponents to demonstrate that no clients have benefited from such procedures or that any benefits are too costly in some objective way to be pursued even if they work. The available evidence supports the observation of many counselors -- which many individuals with same-gender sexual orientation have been able to change through a variety of counseling approaches."This report contains numerous reports of change of orientation and this list is by no means exhaustive. The material is sufficient to demonstrate that change is possible and that many forms of therapy -- including some that are no longer used -- have produced change. Some therapists appear to be more successful than others. The reports of change are well documented, backed up by case histories, extensive follow-up, and autobiographical material.The surveys and analyses of collected data provide evidence that approximately 30% of those who enter therapy and persist can expect to experience a change of orientation. Even taking the extreme position that change applies only to an individual who was in behavior, attraction, and fantasy exclusively homosexual for a significant period of adult life and became exclusively and permanently heterosexual in behavior, attraction, and fantasy, it is clear that such persons do exist. The prognosis is more positive for those who had heterosexual experiences. Given the make-up of the human brain and the power of habit, occasional homosexual attraction experienced in times of stress for a number years after the cessation of homosexual behavior should not be surprising. Ex-Gay ministries counsel members that full freedom may take years.Behavior modification techniques for eliminating homosexual behavior and attraction have largely been abandoned; nonetheless the numerous reports of their use from 1946 to 1976 points to the desire of homosexual men to rid themselves of unwanted thoughts and behaviors. These men appear willing to try anything. The fact that some succeeded may be attributed to their desire for change, their willingness to seek help, the effect of revealing to the therapist of the nature of the problem, and the confidence of the therapist that change is possible. In some cases, it may be that a man, who believed that he was incapable of being excited by women, was surprised to discover that his body was capable of heterosexual arousal and that this helped to overcome a phobia-rooted homosexuality.It is also worthy of note that a number of studies contain reports on clients who entered therapy seeking help for other problems for whom the change of sexual orientation was an unexpected outcome. There is also evidence that change occurs spontaneously.References to autobiographical accounts of religiously medicated change have been included in this report. While this type of change has not received extensive scientific study, many of those claiming religiously mediated change have testified publicly and their claims can be documented.None of these studies claim that every person who seeks change will succeed. Given the reported failure rates, one would expect to find a large group of homosexuals who were dissatisfied with therapy. These could be the source of Tripp's anecdotal evidence.

CRITICS OF CHANGE: The critics of therapy claim that studies report only changes of behavior and that the underlying "orientation" or sexual attractions remain untouched. This is simply untrue. Many of the therapists query clients about homosexual attractions and fantasy. And many therapists do not consider a person fully "changed" unless the attractions and fantasies were also exclusively heterosexual.The opponents of change have criticized the studies which claim to document change on the grounds that the rely on the testimony of therapists. However in 1998, when a large group men and women who were once homosexuality attracted or active publicly announced that they are "ex-gay," their testimony was derisively dismissed. Homosexual activists pressured networks to refuse to air commercials containing "exgay" testimonies. The "exgays" were accused of never being really homosexual or of "suppressing" their gayness. The intensity of the reaction against ex-gays suggests that those who "accept" their homosexuality feel threatened by the possibility of change.Section 8 of this report contains quotes from writers who oppose therapy for change. A number of these writers admit that change is possible, but condemn therapy even when the client wants change because the availability of therapy oppresses homosexuals who don't want to change. According to Begelman (1977), who condemns therapy for change as unethical:"Administering these programs means reinforcing the social belief system about homosexuality. The meaning of the act of providing reorientation services is yet another element in a causal nexus of oppression."Therapists who view homosexuality as a normal variety of sexual orientation insist that there is no "excess" psychopathology among homosexuals and then discuss at length the psychological problems associated with "internalized homophobia," a condition, which, according to them, effects most homosexuals. Those who normalize homosexual orientation, usually also normalize sexual promiscuity and extreme sexual practices since homosexuals routinely engage in these behaviors. There is the overwhelming evidence that during early childhood homosexual men had negative relationships with their fathers and that their mothers who did not support their masculine identity development. This forces homosexual activists, like Gerald Davison(1982), to argue such childhood experiences don't cause with excess pathology because they are part of the histories of homosexuals and homosexuality is normal. By this reasoning Davison dismisses the accumulated research of developmental psychologists and the pain of the children.

RELIGION AND THERAPY: If therapy for change is declared unethical or illegal, persons whose religion opposes all sexual activity outside traditional marriage would be denied their right to receive therapy consistent with their faith. It is interesting to note that a number of those who oppose therapy to change sexual orientation, support therapists who try to change their clients' religious beliefs. This includes encouraging therapists to tell their clients that Christian teaching permits homosexual activity. James Nelson, a professor of Christian Ethics at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities MN, is among those who supports telling clients that Christianity doesn't consider homosexual sexual activity, including non-monogamous activity, sinful.It appears inconsistent for a society which supports a client's right to controversial therapies, such as sex change operations, extensive plastic surgery, and reproductive technologies, to deny clients who desire a change of sexual orientation access to therapies known to be effective.Currently individuals seeking change are forced to contact a shrinking pool of therapists willing to take on this work or to seek religiously mediated change through support group membership. Those who are not interested in adopting a religious world view may feel uncomfortable in a religiously based ex-gay ministry. For example, Homosexuals Anonymous adopts some of the traditions of AA, but combines these with an explicitly Christian world view. Alan Medinger, an exgay and leader of the religion-based Regeneration Ministries, has expressed concern for non-Christian homosexuals seeking help. He is concerned that those who are not religious currently have no support groups available to them. On the other hand those who wish to be free from homosexual behavior for religious reasons feel abandoned by the mental health profession.

The public and homosexuals have a right to know that successful change is possible. Homosexuals, who desire treatment, have the right to the best treatment available.This report contains information on and excerpts from articles, books, and studies on treatment for homosexuality -- including those opposed to treatment. Not all the studies contain positive results. A wide variety of treatments and theoretical approaches are represented. Some of the authors have changed their point of view on treatment. The information on change has been arranged in the following manner.1) Reviews of the literature on therapy and change - Some of these are written by therapists who include their own experience and case material.2) Surveys and meta-analysis of studies - Most of the studies included in the meta-analysis are referenced individually. It should be noted that a number of studies appear in several meta-analyses.3) Reports from therapists who treated homosexual clients with some form of individual psychotherapy. It should be noted that a number of theoretical approaches are employed. In some cases change of orientation was not the therapist's or client's goal. Extensive case histories and client/therapist exchanges are included in a number of the articles and books in this section.4) Reports from therapists who treated homosexual clients with some form of group therapy. -- Group therapy was sometimes combined with individual therapy or behavior modification. Some groups involve only homosexuals, in other cases homosexuals are included in heterogeneous groups.5) Studies in which some form of behavior modification therapy was the primary treatment method -- It should be noted that most of these therapies were short term, although some employed "booster sessions." Most of the methods employed are considered by the pro-gay activists to be degrading and inhumane. Many psychotherapists consider these techniques to be superficial, leaving untouched the underlying problems. Those associated with ex-gay ministries find many of the methods and goals to be morally unacceptable.6) Reports of religiously mediated change, including studies and autobiographical material -- Celibacy and marriage are both viewed as acceptable outcomes.7) Reports of spontaneous or adventitious change of sexual orientation. -- Various studies of sexuality suggest that some persons engage in exclusive homosexuality during adolescents and early adulthood and then move on to exclusive heterosexuality. Change of orientation has occurred when no change was sought or expected.8) Articles by persons who oppose therapy with the goal of change or believe that change is impossible -- These articles focus on the psychological effects of therapy on those who fail to achieve their goal and on those who do not want such therapy.9) Responses to critics of change10) Recent articles on the subject.
Within each grouping the sources are arranged alphabetically by author. Additional works by the same author are included since many of the authors discussed the same cases in a number of articles and books.

It should be noted that each author has his own definition of improvement and/or change.The subtitles in capital letters are provided to help the reader find information on specific topics. Material in quotations marks are quoted directed from the original source. Page numbers are in parentheses at the end of the quotation.This is a work in progress. At this date, not all of the original articles have been found and reviewed and not all the bibliographic information is complete. The incomplete information has been included as a guide to those who may wish to do more research. Those articles or books which have been reviewed and are in the Irving Bieber Memorial Library East Coast are marked with @ in the bibliography.

Mrs. Dale O'Leary is author of The Gender Agenda and worked with Dr. Robert Spitzer on his landmark 2003 study. He asked her to review the last 50 years of literature on homosexuality and document all peer-reviewed studies that prove re-orientation therapy never works. She found many claims to that effect, but not a single peer-reviewed study proving that claim. Her entire report is 115 pages long, and she is willing to e-mail it to those who are interested. She will allow me to post her e-mail address once she re-locates.
The meaning of biological influence

No researcher on either side of this debate believes that SSA is a choice - people do not choose their attractions. Attractions develop over time due to a combination of environmental and biological influences. The debate is over emphasis. Gay activists emphasize the biological over the environmental. They argue that biological influence trumps environmental contribution and therefore, sexual orientation is innate and immutable. Those in favor of re-orientation therapy argue that SSA is a developmental disorder in which environment plays a greater role than biology. Consequently, they state that SSA may be prevented and changed. They argue that individuals do not choose their attractions, but they can choose how to respond to them. (1, 2)

The bulk of research concerning SSA over the last 30 years has been conducted by gay activists, many of whom are also openly homosexual. If anyone were to succeed in proving biological determinism, it would be them. Politically speaking, they have the most to gain. (1) Yet every study from genes, to brain structure, fingerprint styles, handedness, finger lengths, eye-blinking, ear characteristics, verbal skills and prenatal hormones have either failed to be replicated, criticized for research limitations, and/or outright debunked. (3-12) This includes the highly acclaimed brain findings of Dr. Simon LeVay,(8-10) and the gay gene research of Dr. Dean Hammer. (11, 12)

Every trait is influenced by genes, but only some are determined by them. “Genetically determined” is destiny, “genetically influenced” is not. Identical twins have exactly the same DNA and share genetically determined traits 100% of the time. Eye color is a genetically determined trait, so identical twins always have the same eye color. Homosexual attraction, however, is shared only 30% of the time. This proves that there is no gay gene and that at least 70% of the variation in sexual orientation is not inherited. (13-15) Since the incidence of SSA among twins is greater than that of the general population, there probably is some genetic influence in the form of inherited predisposing biological traits. Only in a particular environment, however, will these lead to SSA. (1-2)

A meta-analysis of twenty-one gay parenting studies lends further credence to a strong environmental influence. Each individual study failed to identify any differences between children of homosexual versus heterosexual parents. Gay activists Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz performed the meta-analysis presumably to strengthen the claims of the individual studies. Much to their chagrin, significant differences were now uncovered. Children raised by gay parents were more likely to initiate sexual activity at earlier ages, be more promiscuous and develop homosexuality than children raised by heterosexual parents. (16) Stacey and Biblarz also found that sons of lesbians were less aggressive, and daughters more aggressive than those in heterosexual homes. Children with same sex parents were less likely to conform to traditional gender roles. The researchers hailed this as a positive outcome. In reality, however, the feminization of boys and masculinization of girls is found in gender identity disorder of childhood (GID).

Gender identity disorder of childhood may manifest as cross-dressing and non-stereotypic play even prior to 4 years of age. GID often precedes the development of SSA. Untreated, up to 75% of gender discordant boys and one to two thirds of discordant girls will develop SSA. GID can be treated successfully, and potential cases of SSA prevented. (17-19)

Success of reorientation therapy further proves that sexual orientation is not fixed. A study by gay-activist Dr. Robert Spitzer found that achieving degrees of change are possible for those unhappy with their SSA. (20)

Finally, consider this quote from the American Psychiatric Association’s on-line website that now supports the notion of sexual fluidity:

Some people believe that sexual orientation is innate and fixed; however, sexual orientation develops across a person’s lifetime. Individuals may become aware at different points in their lives that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual.Sexual attractions develop over time due to a combination of biological and environmental influences.

Sexual attractions develop over time. Heterosexual attraction is the biological norm for human reproduction. Same-sex behavior carries significant health risks. For these reasons SSA is a developmental disorder - often rooted in early childhood. Twin studies alone demonstrate a significant environmental influence. We understand some of these. Since environmental factors can be altered, SSA is indeed preventable and changeable.


1. Satinover, Jeffery. Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996.

2. Nicolosi, J. and Nicolosi, L. A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality. Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, 2002.

3. Mustanski, BS, et al. “A Critical Review of Recent Biological Research on Human Sexual Orientation.” Annual Review of Sex Research, 2002, 12, 89-140.

4. Byne, William and Parsons, Bruce, “Human Sexual Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraised,” Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 50, March 1993: 228-239.

5. Byne, W., “The Biological Evidence Challenged,” Scientific American (May 1994): 50-55.

6. Byne, W., “Science and Belief: Psychobiological Research on Sexual Orientation.” Journal of Homosexuality, 1995, 28, 303-344.

7. Byne, E., “Why We Cannot Conclude that Sexual Orientation is Primarily a Biological Phenomenon.” Journal of Homosexuality, 1997, 34, 1, 73-80.

8. Byne, W. “. Et al. “The Interstitial Nuclei of the Human Anterior Hypothalamus: An Investigation of Variation with Sex, Sexual Orientation, and HIV Status.” Hormones and Behavior, 2001, 40: 86-92.

9. Byne, W. et al. “a Lack of Dimorphism of Sex or Sexual Orientation in the Human Anterior Commissure, Brain Research, 2002, 936: 95-98.

10. Breedlove, M.S. “Sex on the Brain.” Nature, 1997, 389, p.801.

11. Horgan, J. “Gay Genes, Revisited: ‘Doubts Arise Over Research on the Biology of Homosexuality,” Scientific American, Nov. 1995, p.26.

12. Rice, G., et al. “Male Homosexuality: Absence of Linkage to Microsatellite Markers at Xq28. Science, 1999, 284, 665-667.

13. Bailey, J. “Measurement Models for Sexual Orientation in a Community Twin Sample,” Behavioral Genetics, 2000 July; 30(4): 345-56.

14. Bailey, J. “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation and it’s Correlates in an Australian Twin Sample,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000, Vol. 78, No. 3, 524-536.

15. Kendler, K. “Sexual Orientation In a U.S. National sample of Twin and Non-Twin Sibling Pairs.” American Journal of Psychiatry, Nov. 2000; 157:1843-1846).

16. Stacey, J. and Biblarz, T., “(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter,” American Sociological Review, 66 (2001): 174, 179.

17. DSM IV-TR, The American Psychiatric Association, 2000.

18. Kaplan, H. and Sadock, B., Synopsis of Psychiatry Behavioral Sciences Clinical Psychiatry, sixth edition, Williams & Wilkins, 1991 (p. 752).

19. Zucker, K. and Bradley, S., Gender Identity Disorder and Psychosexual Problems in Children and Adolescents, The Guilford Press, New York, NY 10012, 1995 (p. 283)

20. Spitzer, Robert L., “Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual Orientation?,” Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No.5, Oct. 2003: 403-417.
Terms & Definitions:

Sexual Orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person. It is easily distinguished from other components of sexuality including biological sex, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female) and the social gender role (adherence to cultural norms for feminine and masculine behavior). Sexual orientation exists along a continuum that ranges from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality and includes various forms of bisexuality. Bisexual persons can experience sexual, emotional and affectional attraction to both their own sex and the opposite sex. Persons with a homosexual orientation are sometimes referred to as gay (both men and women) or as lesbian (women only). Sexual orientation is different from sexual behavior because it refers to feelings and self-concept. Persons may or may not express their sexual orientation in their behaviors. --The American Psychological Association:

Same Sex Attraction (SSA) refers to both men and women, and encompasses those with bisexual as well as homosexual attractions.

Genetically or Biologically DETERMINED means caused by genes or other biological factors alone. Biologically determined is destiny. Skin & eye color are determined by genes alone. They are genetically determined traits.

Genetically or Biologically INFLUENCED means that genes or other biological factors AND environmental factors cause a trait. Biologically influenced is NOT destiny. Obesity is a biologically influenced trait. There is irrefutable evidence of specific genes, prenatal and hormonal factors that contribute to obesity. It is also common knowledge that despite this strong influence diet and exercise can have an enormous positive impact on this condition.

Mainstream Gay Activists now dominate nearly all medical and mental health professional organizations. They promote the belief that SSA is biologically determined, unchangeable, and as healthy as heterosexual attraction. They claim that re-orientation therapy is never successful and wholly unethical. Telling someone with SSA that they can change their orientation is like telling an African American that he can change his skin color.

Non-conformist Gay Activists support gay rights while acknowledging that sexual orientation is not biologically determined and that sexual orientation is fluid. Some of their views appear at . Camille Paglia is a radical lesbian feminist who has written:

“[Homosexuality] is a challenge to the norm … . Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction … . No one is born gay. [Homosexuality] is an adaptation, not an inborn trait … .” “Is the gay identity so fragile that it cannot bear the thought that some people may not wish to be gay? Sexuality is highly fluid, and reversals are theoretically possible. However, habit is refractory, once the sensory pathways have been blazed and deepened by repetition – phenomenon obvious in the struggle with obesity, smoking, alcoholism or drug addiction … helping gays to learn to function heterosexually, if they wish, is a perfectly worthy aim.”

[Paglia, Camille Vamps & Tramps. Vintage Books, NY, 1994, pp. 70,72,76-78,91]

**NB: I do not believe that SSA is a conscious choice. People do not choose their attractions. People do choose whether or not to act on them. Behavior is a choice.
Medical School: University of CT Medical School
Internship & Residency: Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford, CT
Fellowship in University Health: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Board Certified part-time pediatrician
Married mother of four
Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP)
Fellow of the American College of Pediatricians (FACP)
Catholic Medical Association
Feminists for Life
Do No Harm

The purpose of this site is to educate not condemn. I am tolerant. All of my patients – regardless of their social and sexual backgrounds – have the right to informed consent, self-determination, and compassionate, non-judgmental care. I reject coercive therapy and repudiate all forms of harassment, abuse and violence against those with same-sex attraction (SSA). However, I refuse to celebrate unhealthy behaviors – and the behaviors associated with SSA are unhealthy. Re-orientation therapy is an ethical option for those who struggle with unwanted SSA.

Nothing in this blog is intended to offend, degrade or lay blame. In the past my words have been misunderstood or misrepresented to portray hatred toward those with same-sex attraction (SSA). My intention is simply to post the truth:

1) Those with and without SSA share exactly the same human dignity.

2) Those with SSA deserve the same civil rights as those without SSA:

* They should be free from any and all abuse and unjust discrimination.

*Those with SSA already have the same civil rights with regard to
(other individuals in a loving and committed relationship may not marry - father/daughter, mother/son, brother/sister, etc.).

3) There are significantly greater health risks associated with the homosexual life-style as opposed to a heterosexual life-style.

4) Those unhappy with their SSA have a right to re-orientation therapy.
* SSA is not innate or immutable.
* Some - though not all - who are highly motivated can experience true and lasting change.